What's New

22 Nov 2020 - TopSales version 7.65 released

1) Customer account detail report sales person criteria allow select multiple accounts not in id sequence
2) Customer account summary report sales person criteria allow select multiple accounts not in id sequence

13 Jul 2020 - TopSales version 7.64 released

1) Task Agent add option to run external program

1st Dec2019 - TopSales version 7.63 released

1) Integration with Opencart web store. Topsales integration with Opencart now available.
     i) upload products
     II) download orders from web store

20th May 2019 - TopSales version 7.62 released

1) Purchase order list add ship to customer name for drop ship operation
2) Sales order generate PO add option to copy ship to address to PO for drop ship operation.  User need to specify vendor code.
3) Customer sales summary report export to Excel add sales area and account type column
4) Salesman/Customer sales summary report export to Excel add sales area and account type column

19th Feb 2019 - TopSales version 7.61 released

1) Accounts payable supplier invoice function add auto calculate tax option.
2) Generate supplier invoice from goods receive note

7th Jan 2019 - TopSales version 7.60 released

1) Accounts Payable module released

15th Jan 2018 - TopSales version 7.54 released

1) Customer and vendor account record add mailing label indicator
2) Customer and vendor list add print mailing label function

14th Dec 2017 - TopSales version 7.53 released

1) All reports export to Excel function add option to save as CSV file format. Non Excel user can import CSV file

18th Oct 2017 - TopSales version 7.52 released

1) Sales order item record add item ordered from supplier field
2) Sales order list add move item up or down function

22nd Aug 2017 - TopSales version 7.51 released

1) Quotation gross profit report add cost total
2) Product lookup function for invoice, sales order and quotation add filter function.

6th May 2017 - TopSales version 7.50 released

1) Fix bug in user login admin setting

12th Feb 2017 - TopSales version 7.49 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Customer/Product group monthly sales report
2)  All sales analysis report add option to select by date account opened.
3) Quotation list add delivery order no column

22nd Nov 2016 - TopSales version 7.48 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) Sales order by vendor/product report add select a single sales order option
2) Sales order by vendor/customer report add select a single sales order option
3) Sales order by vendor/Requested date report add select a single sales order option
4) Sales order by Sales person/customer report add select a single sales order option

22nd Oct 2016 - TopSales version 7.47 released

New features in  Personal, Professional Edition
1) Monthly sales by salesman/vendor report

22nd Sep 2016 - TopSales version 7.46 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Company list by sales area/sales person

22nd Aug 2016 - TopSales version 7.45 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Company list by category/sales person
2) Company list by group/sales person

22nd Jul 2016 - TopSales version 7.44 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) Command line option to send email using mailing list

22nd Jun 2016 - TopSales version 7.43 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Batch process to send customer invoice in pdf format

22nd May 2016 - TopSales version 7.42 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Quotation gross profit report add option to select average, last purchase or fix cost
2) Invoice printing function add batch process to generate pdf files for invoices. The invoice in pdf format can then be emailed.

22nd Apr 2016 - TopSales version 7.41 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Company list by sales person/category
2) New: Company list by sales person/group

22nd Mar 2016 - TopSales version 7.40 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Company list by sales area/category
2) New: Company list by sales area/group

22nd Feb 2016 - TopSales version 7.39 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Department code list add by description order tab page
2) Account type list add by description order tab page

22nd Jan 2016 - TopSales version 7.38 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Contact list add convert contact record to customer record function.

22nd Dec 2015 - TopSales version 7.37 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition

1) CeekSoft Contacts  Joomla component add export to xml file format
2) Export contacts data to csv file add option to include or exclude field title in first row of data
3) Customer list add convert contact record to customer record function.
4) Sales summary report add export to Excel.
5) Inventory transaction summary report add export to Excel.

22nd Nov 2015 - TopSales version 7.36 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition

1)  Quotation record status field add Sent status option.
2) CeekSoft Joomla Contacts component add address fields in data export form.
3) CeekSoft Joomla Contacts component export csv add split address field to multiple lines option.


22nd Oct 2015 - TopSales version 7.35 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition

1) New: Contact list by type/country
2) New Joomla component to export Joomla contact data to csv file.
The csv file can be imported by Topsales or any software that support csv file

22nd Sep 2015 - TopSales version 7.34 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by category/country

** New Amazon S3 Explorer productivity tool

22nd Aug 2015 - TopSales version 7.33 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) New: Sales item detail report by vendor/customer

22nd Jul 2015 - TopSales version 7.32 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) New: - All sales analysis reports add sales team range selection criteria

22nd Jun 2015 - TopSales version 7.31 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Save report as png image file

22nd May 2015 - TopSales version 7.30 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Sales by product group quantity

22nd Apr 2015 - TopSales version 7.29 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: quarterly sales report by vendor

22nd Mar 2015 - TopSales version 7.28 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by type/tag
2) New: Contact list by category/tag

22nd Feb 2015 - TopSales version 7.27 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by type/job title
2) New: Contact list by category/job title

22nd Jan 2015 - TopSales version 7.26 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by type/user
2) New: Contact list by type/lead source

22nd Dec 2014 - TopSales version 7.25 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by type/sales area
2) New: Contact list by type/category

22nd Nov 2014 - TopSales version 7.24 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by category/user
2) New: Contact list by category/lead source

22nd Oct 2014 - TopSales version 7.23 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Contact list by category/sales area
2) New: Contact list by category/type

22nd Sep 2014 - TopSales version 7.22 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1)New: Contact list by sales area/user
2)New: Contact list by sales area/lead source

22nd Aug 2014 - TopSales version 7.21 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1)New: Contact list by sales area/category
2)New: Contact list by sales area/type

22nd Jul 2014 - TopSales version 7.20 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) New: Sales comparison by salesman report
2) New: Monthly sales by area/salesman report

22nd Jun 2014 - TopSales version 7.19 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition

1) New: Monthly Sales by Area/Customer report
2) New: Monthly Sales by Area/Product report

22nd May 2014 - TopSales version 7.18 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) Customer sales by quantity report with option to select top customers by quantity
2) Products sales by quantity report with option to select top products by quantity

22nd Apr 2014 - TopSales version 7.17 released

New features in Personal, Professional Edition
1) Customer sales by value report add option to select top customers to print
2) Products sales by value report add option to select top products to print

22nd Mar 2014 - TopSales version 7.16 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Report export to excel add option to save as excel file for large data set.
2)Recurring transaction add half yearly and quarterly option

22nd Feb 2014 - TopSales version 7.15 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Export product to xml file for product catalog android app.
2) Product catalog Android app add import xml file format

22nd Jan 2014 - TopSales version 7.14 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Export product to csv file for product catalog android app.
2) New: Android product catalog app.

22nd Dec 2013 - TopSales version 7.13 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Product master record extend detail description to 1000 characters
2) Inventory item detail description field extend to 1000 characters
3) Sales order item detail description field extend to 1000 characters
4) Quotation item detail description field extend to 1000 characters
5) Invoice item detail description field extend to 1000 characters

22nd Nov 2013 - TopSales version 7.12 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) report accessory now included in main installation package. Separate download is not required.
2) Report preview send smtp email function add send copy to sender option.
3) Report preview send smtp email function add save password option.
4) New: Sales comparison by area report
5) Export products data to csv file for Stock Take android app.

22nd Oct 2013 - TopSales version 7.11 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Following contact list reports move to list box style menu
a) Contact List By Type
b) Contact List By Category
c) Contact List By Job Title
d) Contact List By User
e) Contact List By Sales Area
f) Contact List By Relationship
g) Contact List By User Field

2) New report: Contact list by tag
3) New: Stock take app

22nd Sep 2013 - TopSales version 7.10 released

New features in Basic, Personal, Professional Edition
1) Contact phone list report add multiple contact tag criteria
2) Contact detail report add multiple contact tag criteria
3) Contact notes report add multiple contact tag criteria
4) Contact custom list add multiple contact tag criteria
5) Contact list by country add multiple contact tag criteria
6) Contact list by lead source add multiple contact tag criteria
7) Contact list by activity add multiple contact tag criteria
8) Contact list by type add multiple contact tag criteria
9) Contact list by category add multiple contact tag criteria
10) Contact list by sales area add multiple contact tag criteria
11) Contact list by relationship add multiple contact tag criteria
12) Contact analysis add multiple contact tag criteria

New features in Professional Edition
1) Receipt add bank charges department field
2) Import Virtuemart sales orders: if product does not exists in Topsales, create the product record.
3) Sales order item received report add select product option. User can use this option to inquire on delivery status of a product for all customers.

22nd Aug 2013 - TopSales version 7.09 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Purchase order email function default to supplier email address.
2) New: Sales comparison report by product. Compare 2 sales period selected by user.
3) New: Sales comparison report by customer
4) New: Sales comparison report by product/customer
5) New: Sales comparison report by customer/product

22nd July 2013 - TopSales version 7.08 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Send report email add smtp and ssl option
2) New: Import Virtuemart sales orders data. Virtuemart is a Joomla web store component. Access from File > Import > Virtuemart orders

22nd June 2013 - TopSales version 7.07 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Sales journal summary add option to print all transaction type
2) Bank book transaction item record description field default to main record description field value when item record is created. User can still amend the value before saving record.
3) New: Vendor/product monthly sales report

22nd May 2013 - TopSales version 7.06 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Quotation form add item price with tax field and item amount with tax field
2) Quotation email function default to customer email address.
3) New: Salesman/product monthly sales report

22nd Apr 2013 - TopSales version 7.05 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Customer delivery note fax function add auto default supplier fax number
2) Customer invoice fax function add auto default customer fax number
3) Customer debit note fax function add auto default customer fax number
4) Customer credit note fax function add auto default customer fax number
5) Fax function add subject field
6) Fax function add cover page option

22nd Mar 2013 - TopSales version 7.04 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) My work place add date selection for activities list
2) New: Salesman/Customer monthly sales report
3) Inventory transaction summary add total amount
4) Improve fax support for windows 7 and windows 8
5) Purchase order fax function add auto default supplier fax number
6) Quotation fax function add auto default customer fax number  

22nd Feb 2013 - TopSales version 7.03 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) New: mass delete product record by product group or vendor.
2) Sales order item entry add get item from quotation. Useful for combining several quotations into one sales order

22nd Jan 2013 - TopSales version 7.02 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Sales order record entry default to first ship to address.
2) Sales order record entry default account tax code.
3) Customer record quick update function add tax code option
4) New report: Product group monthly sales report
5) New report Product group/item monthly sales report

22nd Dec 2012 - TopSales version 7.01 released

New features in Basic/Personal/Professional Edition
1) Chart program add new features
a) add chart back ground image property
b) New chart type: column and line combo chart

2) Purchase order record add drop ship check box. User can use this option to indicate if purchase order is for drop ship delivery
3) Purchase order - goods received note report add drop ship criteria.
4) Purchase order - goods received note report add GRN item quantity more than PO criteria.
5) Purchase order form add printing of drop ship address option

22nd Nov 2012 - TopSales version 7.00 released

New features in Basic/Personal/Professional Edition
1) chart program add new features
a) axis major grid line add style property
b) add axis minor grid line properties
c) add axis label style enabled property
d) add anti-aliasing option
e) add chart background hatch pattern property

2) New: 5 years sales chart
3) Shortcut function deprecated
4) Customer list report add account open date

22nd Oct 2012 - TopSales version 6.99 released

New features in Basic/Personal/Professional Edition
1) Tools menu add access to run charts program
2) Product master record add volume and weight fields.
3) Import product record add volume and weight fields.

New features in Personal/Professional Edition
1) chart program add new features
a) Line chart add line width property
b) Bar chart add tooltip property
c) Pie chart add tooltip property
d) Line chart add tooltip property
e) Chart list. User can use chart list for quick access to favorite charts.
f) Add 3D style chart.
g) Bar chart add label style property

2) New function: Inventory shipment weight and volume. Access form Tasks > Inventory Control

22nd Sep 2012 - TopSales version 6.98 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Chart program add new features
a) Add Quick Edit Data tab page. Quick edit allows fast edit chart data in comma separated value format.
b) Paste MS Excel data to chart
c) Add bar chart data point width property
d) Each data series label has its own colour
e) New chart type: line chart

2) Import product data add last purchase price column
3) Quotation gross profit report add product description
4) Quotation add quick update item discount rate
5) Email pdf report add support for gmail 


22nd Aug 2012 - TopSales version 6.97 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Chart program add new features
a) Enable or disable x and y axis.
b) show chart file name in property grid.
c) chart title add multiline edit

2) Quotation record add total before discount amount and total discount.
3) New: Quotation gross profit report. access from Reports > Sales report menu
4) Fix bug on combine multiple delivery notes to single invoice for same product item.

22nd Jul 2012 - TopSales version 6.96 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Chart program add new features
a) Data series is editable.
b) Ability to add data series and data points
c) Add auto open chart option. Access from Tools > Options.
d) Create new chart function.
e) New chart type: doughnut chart.

2) Transaction costing function add unit cost, cost amount, profit and profit margin columns
3) Sales order function add active view window. Active view window shows sales orders details, sales order item, and cost and profit of items.

22nd Jun 2012 - TopSales version 6.95 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Chart program add new features
a) Pie chart add label format
b) Bar chart add orientation
c) Bar chart add label format
d) Add data series legend text

2) Contact analysis charts use new chart features.
3) Sales analysis charts use new chart features.
4) Opportunity analysis use new chart features.

22nd May 2012 - TopSales version 6.94 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Customer sales by month add customer account code

2) Chart program add new features:
a) Save chart function. Chart can be saved as xml file format and reload for future reference.
b) Chart program now support multi document interface. Multiple charts can be opened for analysis.
c) Chart properties window is now dockable. Properties window position will be saved and auto open at next startup
d) change chart width and height
e) enable or disable chart legend
f) change legend title
g) change legend docking position.

3) Chart program can be run independently. The program file name is chartz.exe. It requires .Net framework 4.0 or above.
4) Activity chart updated to use new chart features.
5) Sales charts updated to use new chart features.
6) Fix generate PO button maximized position error in sales order function.
7) Sales order generate PO function add item price option.

22nd Apr 2012 - TopSales version 6.93 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) All sales analysis charts add options to change chart properties:
i) Chart border skin style
ii) Chart Border line width
iii) X-Axis label angle
iv) Chart area border line color
v) Chart area border line width

2) New sales analysis charts:
a) Sales analysis by customer - Top 10 .
b) Sales analysis by salesman - Top 10.

3) Quotation item record add discount field.

4) New function: Generate purchase order from sales order.

22nd Mar 2012 - TopSales version 6.92 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Quotation record add tax field
2) Rectify bug in quotation detail description form printing. Extend field length memory allocation.
3) Sales order record add tax field.
4) All sales analysis charts add options to change chart properties:
i) Change title font and color
ii) Change background color and gradient
iii) Change chart area background color and gradient style.
iv) Change label color
v) change x-axis title font and color
vi) change x-axis label font and color
vii) change x-axis line color
viii) change y-axis title font and color
ix) change y-axis label font and color
x) change y-axis line color
xi) Bar chart column color
xii) Bar chart drawing style
5) Stock take sheet add export to Excel

22nd Feb 2012 - TopSales version 6.91 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Customer account activity add export to Excel option
2) Quotation record add delivery note no field
3) Quotation generate to delivery note record, assign delivery note no to quotation record
4) New report: Customer payment by invoice. Access from Reports > Bank menu
5) New report: quotation list. Access from Reports > Sales report
6) Sales item detail analysis report export to Excel add salesman code and name

22nd Jan 2012 - TopSales version 6.90 released

New features in Professional Edition
1) Improve sales chart preview mode. User no need to disable stay on top mode to preview.
2) Sales order form add amount in words
3) Following sales charts ddd options to change chart title and axis title.
a)12 months sales chart
b) Top 20 Product sales chart.
c) Top 10 Product sales chart.
d) Top 20 Sales analysis by customer chart.
e) Top 20 Sales analysis by salesman chart.
4) Last 12 months contact added chart add options to change chart title and axis title.
5) Fix bug in quotation item total amount and item count.
6) Fix bug in quotation list description column