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Contact Profile - HTML Fields Format

Each contact profile field is represented by the element <INPUT>.  Each INPUT element has the attribute ID and NAME. HTML attribute ID and NAME is case sensitive.

Example: Contact first name
Html code for contact first name:
<input type="text" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" size="22">

The size 22 can be changed as require by user.

Available fields and their HTML code:

Contact Profile Field Description HTML code
First name
<input type="text" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" size="22">
Last name
<input type="text" id="LastName" name="LastName" size="22">
Full name
<input type="text" id="Name" name="Name" size="22">
Contact prefix <input type="text" id="Prefix" name="Prefix" size="11">
Contact suffix <input type="text" id="Suffix" name="Suffix" size="15">
Contact ID <input type="text" id="ID" name="ID" size="13">
Job title <input type="text" id="JobTitle" name="JobTitle" size="20">
Category <input type="text" id="Category" name="Category" size="45">
Contact type <input type="text" id="Type" name="Type" size="45">
Company name <input type="text" id="CompanyName" name="CompanyName" size="45">
Manager name <input type="text" id="ManagerName" name="ManagerName" size="27">
Office location <input type="text" id="OfficeLocation" name="OfficeLocation" size="27">
Department <input type="text" id="Department" name="Department" size="27">
Assistant name <input type="text" id="AssistantName" name="AssistantName" size="27">
Office telephone <input type="text" id="Phone1" name="Phone1" size="45">
Mobile telephone <input type="text" id="Phone2" name="Phone2" size="45">

Use id and name PhoneX where X is phone number 1 to 8

Telephone extension <input type="text" id="Phone1Ext" name="Phone1Ext" size="45">

Use id and name PhoneXExt where X is phone extension 1 to 8

Fax1 <input type="text" id="Fax1" name="Fax1" size="45">
Fax2 <input type="text" id="Fax2" name="Fax2" size="45">
Email1 <input type="text" id=="Email1" name="Email1" size="45">

use id and name EmailX where X is email number 1 to 5

To create a hyperlink to open windows default email client for new email, use the javascript CreateMail()

<a href="javascript:CreateMail()"><font size="2" face="Tahoma">Email:</font></a>

Business web site <input type="text" id="BusinessWeb" name="BusinessWeb" size="45">

To create a hyperlink to open business web site using default browser, use the javascript GoToWebSite()

<a href="javascript:GoToWebSite()"><font size="2" face="Tahoma">Business web site:</font></a>

Personal web site <input type="text" id="PersonalWeb" name="PersonalWeb" size="45">

To create a hyperlink to open business web site using default browser, use the javascript GoToPersonalWebSite()

<a href="javascript:GoToPersonalWebSite()">
<font size="2" face="Tahoma">Personal web site:</font></a>

Lead source <input type="text" id="Source" name="Source" size="27">
Assign to user <input type="text" id="AssignTo" name="AssignTo" size="27">
Sales area <input type="text" id="SalesArea" name="SalesArea" size="27">
Business address1 <input type="text" id="BusinessAddress1" name="BusinessAddress1" size="45">

To create a hyperlink to get address man, use the javascript GetMapQues()

<a href="javascript:GetMapQuest()"><font size="2" face="Tahoma">Office address:</font></a>

Business address2 <input type="text" id="BusinessAddress2" name="BusinessAddress2" size="45">
Business address3 <input type="text" id="BusinessAddress3" name="BusinessAddress3" size="45">
Business address4 <input type="text" id="BusinessAddress4" name="BusinessAddress4" size="45">
Business address5 <input type="text" id="BusinessAddress5" name="BusinessAddress5" size="45">
Business city <input type="text" id="BusinessCity" name="BusinessCity" size="32">
Business state <input type="text" id="BusinessState" name="BusinessState" size="25">
Business Post code <input type="text" id="BusinessPostCode" name="BusinessPostCode" size="13">
Business country <input type="text" id="BusinessCountry" name="BusinessCountry" size="35">
Gender <input type="text" id="Gender" name="Gender" size="4">
Marital status <input type="text" id="MaritalStatus" name="MaritalStatus" size="13">
Birthday <input type="text" id="Birthday" name="Birthday" size="12">
Anniversary <input type="text" id="Anniversary" name="Anniversary" size="12">
Spouse name <input type="text" id="SpouseName" name="SpouseName" size="38">
User define field type text <input type="text" id="User01" name="User01" size="35">

use id and name UserXX where XX is user text field number 01 to 40

User define field type date <input type="text" id="Date01" name="Date01" size="12">

use id and name DateXX where XX is user date field number 01 to 05

User define field type number <input type="text" id="Number01" name="Number01" size="12">

use id and name NumberXX where XX is user number field number 01 to 10

User define field type flag <input type="checkbox" id="Flag01" name="Flag01" value="ON" >

use id and name FlagXX where XX is user flag field number 01 to 20

Contact notes <TEXTAREA name="ContactNotes" id="ContactNotes" rows="10" cols="90">


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